Crypto Strategies eBook

Blast Crypto Airdrop

Blast is a unique Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) platform that offers native yield for ETH and stablecoins, setting it apart from other L2s where asset values can depreciate over time due to the lack of yield. It’s the first L2 integrating native yield, allowing user balances to compound automatically. The yield on Blast comes from ETH staking and Real World Asset (RWA) protocols, with current rates at 4% for ETH and 5% for stablecoins​​.

Blast’s functionality includes auto rebasing for ETH, leveraging Ethereum’s Shanghai upgrade. Users who bridge stablecoins receive Blast’s auto-rebasing stablecoin, USDB, which yields from MakerDAO’s on-chain T-Bill protocol. Blast is an EVM-compatible, optimistic rollup, aiming to raise the baseline yield for users and developers without altering the expected crypto experience​​.

The team behind Blast includes individuals from reputable institutions and companies, with significant experience in the DeFi and Web3 space. Notably, Pacman, creator of Blur (a top NFT marketplace on Ethereum), is part of the team. Blast has raised $20 million from various investors, including Paradigm and Standard Crypto​​.

Blast also features a community airdrop, split between Early Access Members and Developers. This airdrop allows members to earn points by engaging with the platform and referring new users, with the developer airdrop scheduled to go live with the launch of the Blast Testnet​​.

You can use our codes to join the platform:

Watch my entire video review of Blast and Blur airdrop here:

Blast Crypto Airdrop – new blockchain from Blur team

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